OurJanuary 2019 radio shows are now online. For links to listen plus an index with full list of topics and interviews in each show, click "read more" and scroll down. (Audio files may take a few moments to load.) We interviewed Daniel and Stephanie Boethin, activists who led efforts to stop a parole office from opening on Mt. Helix, as well as Al Sanati from the War Victims Group and Ramiro Sandoval with Hermanos Unidos Sin Fronteras, on their efforts to help Iraqi refugees and rebuild Iraq. We also reported on top issues including impacts of the federal shutdown, local government actions, winter weather impacts, a controversial sand mind proposal, and top local events.
The East County Magazine Show airs Mondays and Fridays from 5 to 6 p.m. on KNSJ, 89.1 FM. Our shows rerun on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. and Saturdays at 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time but had fewer shows in January due to the station being off-air due to heavy snow that destroyed the transmitter. You can still listen live online via the TuneApp The station is asking for donations to buy a new transmitter with a cover to protect it from snow and ice. You can donate by clicking here.
Read more and listen to our January shows. Click here for the index and scroll down for audio links below.
Friday, January 4, 2019
Weather: Cold and windy
State cancels parole office plans in La Mesa/Mt Helix
Green Scene: Court tosses out County of SD's climate action plan
Cottonwood sand mine petition
Pine Valley fire station opens
Public News Service: Gov. Newsom's child-friendly agenda
Kalashos in mediation over fraud and defamation case
Destination East County: top festivals and events
Holiday highway fatalities
Arts and Music: East County Performing Arts Center opening delayed
On the Road: Campo Stone Store
Home safety tips
Monday, January 10, 2019
Capitol Report: Pelosi sworn in as House Speaker. Government shutdown continues
Ammar Campa Najjar to run again for Hunter’s seat
Matt Rhan to run for Hunter’s seat
Local government report: La Mesa, El Cajon and Santee Council agenda highlights
New Year’s Eve fatalities in Jamul
Santee man dies in patrol car
Library fitness classes
Wind and fire safety tips
Public News Service: Trump threatens national emergency and other top news
Obits: East County leaders lost in 2018
Sinkhole in Spring Valley
Bookshelf: Lynne Morgan Spreen, author of Dakota Blues (rerun)
Public News Service: Gov. Newsom’s pro-kid plans
Monday, January 14, 2019
Flash flood warning
Weather bulletin
Public News Service: Poll on shutdown, prisons impacted, border aid trial
La Mesa Police officer exonerated by report, public and council members voice concerns
Jamul Flooding
Dangerous flu strain
Newcome budget addresses healthcare
Green Scene: shutdown takes climate sites down
Crimebeat: Release of sexual predator Quarles blocked; kidnap attempt in Santee
Art and Music: Mission Trails concerns move to new venue
Jacob named chair of Supervisors
Jacumba Hikers on hiatus
Border Patrol sues over shutdown without pay
Destination East County: top festivals and events
PNS: CA lawsuit over endangered species
Library fitness classes
Sounds of History: Vacqueros (rerun)
Monday, January 21, 2019
Shutdown halts controlled burns in East County
Shutdown impacts CalFresh
PG&E to file for bankruptcy
Supervisors vote on shelter for asylum seekers
Green Scene: Alpine new park approved
Supervisors vote on granny flat regulations
Crimebeat: Phone store robbery foiled
Destination East County: top festivals and events
Newsmaker interviews: Daniel and Stephanie Boethin, activists who led effort to stop a parole office from opening on Mt. Helix
Monday, January 28, 2018
Public News Service: Shutdown ends, but is another looming?
Calif. Senator Kamala Harris runs for president
D.A. announces human trafficking education
Grene Scene: Alpine’s new park approved
Wildflowers begin blooming early
Supervisors vote on granny flat regulations
Sharp Grossmont Hospital stroke center
Healthcare Heroes nominees sought
Weather: warm and windy
Tribal Beat: Indian Child Welfare Act brief
Cottonwood sand mine meeting set
Mackey to head up East County Chamber of Commerce, for now
Dehesa School gets Chinese exchange students
Newsmaker interviews: Al Sanati, War Victims Group, and Ramiro Sandoval Hermanos Unidos Sin Fronteras, on efforts to help Iraqi refugees and rebuild Iraq
All shows also include station IDs, credits, and may include public service announcements.