Channel: East County Magazine - KNSJ
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January 24, 2015 (San Diego’s East County) – Our December radio shows are now online!  You can listen online now (note sound files may take a minute to load). For links to listen to the shows plus a full list of topics and interviews in December, click here and scroll down.

Our top newsmaker interviews included leading environmentalists, musicians, authors, business leaders, police officers, refugee aid leaders, winemakers, and more.   We talked about hot news from UC tuition hikes to energy projects proposed in our region to a nonprofit seeking to build an incubator business model to bring jobs to East County.  Plus we went on location to events from a holiday party for homeless kids in El Cajon to a Nile Sisters program honoring local refugees.

You can hear the East County Magazine Show on KNSJ 89.1 FM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 5 to 6 p.m., on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m, and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Monday, December 1, 2014



Toni Atkins speaks out on UC tuition hikes

Body of Sally Estabrook,  missing Alzheimer’s patient, found

Wheelchair-bound woman robbed in College area

Energy company sues Public Citizens, claims mental anguish

New telescope on Mt. Laguna

Green Scene: El Monte solar project proposed

Station ID

SDG&E pulls out of national utility rate survey

Pheros the tiger comes to East County

Newsmaker interview: Tony Mostado,  maestro, San Diego Festival Chorus (music: Vivaldi Gloria, public domain)

StationID, ECM public service announcement, Viejas Alerts public service announcement)

Holiday recycling tips

Consumer shopping tips: Watch out for overcharges


Bookshelf: Diana Lindsey, Sunbelt Publications (rerun)

Women’s Health: mircellator warning

Viejas Winter Alerts public service announcement

Adopt a Grandparent program

Danger: ordnance in East County from old military sites

Closing credits

Wednesday, December 3, 2014



Free sandbags

Wet weather driving tips

Capitol report:  pregnancy discrimination case before Supreme Court

Crimebeat: Lustig sentenced for prostitution

Dehesa teacher charged with molestation

Santee homeless beating death

Alzheimer’s Project: County approves

Station ID

UC tuition: 2 legislative proposals

Dangerous toys: Public News Service

SDSU responds to sexual assaults

Mt. Laguna gets a new telescope

Gifts sought to help those in need

GE recalls headlights

Recycle holiday waste

Visiting Angels/Halo Foundation public service announcement

ECM and Viejas winter alerts PSAs, Station ID

Destination East County: top festivals and events

Station ID

El Cajon Citizen of the Year nominations

Public Guardians – gifts for seniors

Shopping overcharges

Viejas Winter Alerts PSA

Closing credits

Friday, December 5, 2014



I can’t breathe: Grand Jury on Garner case

SD Council votes on homeless shelter year-round

Grinch package thief caught

Newsmaker interview: Bobbi Brink, Lions Tigers and Bears on a “beary merry” Christmas event preview

Statiaon ID

Newsmaker: Marissa Grace (McRoberts): music – In My Dreams

Green Scene: Trails and gnatcatcher habitat

Station ID, ECM and Viejas Winter Alerts public service announcements

Holiday pet safety

Destination East County: top festivals and events

Still more events with Marissa Grace and Dannie Marie

Station ID

Interview: Anthony Mostardo, Maestro, San Diego Festival Chorus, Music: Vivaldi Gloria (rerun)

Closing credits

Monday, December 8, 2014



Aztecs going to Poinsettia Bowl

Green Scene: SANDAG appeals transportation plan ruling

Shop with Cops

Viejas firefighters shop for toys

Viejas Alert: Controlled burns planned

Free legal clinics in El Cajon

Newsmaker interviews: John Vigil and Shannon O’Dunn, La Mesa Christmas in the Village

El Cajon Citizens of the Year nominations sought

Newsmaker: Ken Hanson, Pearl Harbor recollections

Station ID/ECM PSA

Bomb threat against SDG&E

Newsmaker interview: Dannie Marie, singe/rsongwriter with 3 songs

Burn ban lifted

PNS: Energy companies on public lands

Closing credits

Wednesday, December 10, 2014



Capitol report: Torture report released

Weather: Pacific storm to hit region

SDSU arrest made for sexual assault

DeMaio starts super-PAC

Green Scene: Solar installations soar

Carlyle bribery scandal

Station ID

Tribal Beat: Obama at Native American Conference

Crimebeat: Julian graffiti arrests

Viejas firefighters shop for toys

Aztecs on Mars

Station ID/ECM and Viejas Alerts public service announcements

Newsmakers interview: Wine Holiday Trail: winemakers from La Finquita and Ramona Ranch wineries

Station ID

Destination East County: top festivals and events

Closing credits

Friday, December 12, 2014



Amber alert suspect arrested, children saved in Santee

Mayor Wells state of the city

Body cameras: El Cajon votes for study

ID thieves warming

Weather: Flash flood alert

Station ID

Newsmaker interview: Jack Shu, Cleveland National Forest Foundation, on SANDAG appealing transportation case

Station ID, ECM public service annoumcement

Destination East County

Tribal Beat: Native American Conference – President Obama’s remarks

Capitol Report: Water bill

Crimebeat: Marijuana robbery

Wet weather driving tips

Closing credits

Monday, December 15, 2014


Sex trafficking ring in East County: arrests announced

Capitol report: Spending bill signed

LMSV school board vacancy

Councilmember Zapf staffer suspended

Arrest sweeps in East County

Station ID

Newsmaker interview: Noori Barka, Calbiotech, on new incubator business model to bring jobs to El Cajon

Sudden unexplained death study by Medical Examiner

Station Id/ECM and Viejas Alerts public service announcements

Wet weather/snow forecast

Sounds of History: De Anza expedition Christmas Eve in East County

Turn off irrigation after rains, County asks

Green Scene: solar

Bookshelf: Don Harrison, Schlepping Across the West: There’s a Jewish Story Everywhere

Mt.. Soledad Cross to be on private land

Aztecs on Mars

Closing credits

Wednesday, December 17, 2014



Theatre threats

SDSU kidnap threat

Fire helicopters – City and county forge deal

Tribal Beat: Copper mine land giveaway

Station ID

Viejas Toy Drive

Neighborhood Market Association toy drive

Destination East County: festivals and events

Station ID/ECM and Viejas Alerts public service announcements

Holiday fraud: California News Service

Crimebeat: Chit-chat bandit

Dozer theft in Lakeside

La Mesa-Spring Valley school board vacancy

Animal tales: Batty for Bats

Station ID

Sounds of History: Dr. McGregor remembers

David Dickens shares insights into his ancestor, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol

Turn off irrigation after rain, county asks

Viejas alert: Controlled burns announced by Cleveland National Firest

Permanent homeless shelter for San Diego

Closing credits

Friday, December 19, 2014



FBI: North Korea behind Sony hacks

Capitol report: Federal government to backoff enforcement on marijuana

Fraternity closed at SDSU

Green Scene: Wind tax credits extended

State Senator Hueso pleads guilty to reckless driving

Station ID

Newsmaker: N oori Barka, Calbiotech, on incubator business model for El Cajon (rerun)

Holiday hazards

Station ID, ECM and Viejas Alerts public service announcements

El Cajon Police Dept. seeks senior volunteers: public service announcement

Destination East County: festivals and events

Neighborhood Market Association toy drive

Acapulco Christmas memories

Stolen bulldozer found

Bookshelf: Interview with Anat Tour, children’s author

Closing credits

Monday, December 22, 2014



Chargers comeback win

North Korea denies hack

Wind advisory issued

Homeless children’s party in El Cajon

Green Scene: Venture capitalists protect public lands (CNS)

Station ID

Newsmaker: Jack Shu, Cleveland National Forest Foundation, on county appealing transportation suit (rerun)

Station ID, ECM and Viejas Alerts public service announcements

Newsmaker: Dannie Marie, singer/songwriter (rerun)

Holiday hazards

Closing credits

Wednesday, December 24, 2014




NORAD Santa report

North Korea hacked, but Sony’s show will go on

Navy wins Poinsettia Bowl

Giftgs of Life

Homeless children’s party in El Cajon: Mayor Wells plays Santa

Foreclosures down

David Dickens discusses a Christmas Carol by his ancestor, Charles Dickens

Sounds of History: De Anza expedition  Christmas Eve in East County

Station ID, ECM public service announcement

Vivaldi Gloria: notes on composition

Vivaldi’s Gloria: performance of complete work by San Diego Festival Chorus

Norad Santa – 2nd report

Clsoing credits

Friday, December 26, 2014



San Diego Police Officers Association reacts to killing of 2 NYPD officers

Green Scene: Soitec troubles

Aguirre burned on intervenor fees by CPUC

Station ID

Holiday news around the world

Destination East County: festivals  and events

Poinsettia Bowl results

Viejas Toy Drive

Country Christmas: US Army Band

ECM and Viejas Alerts public service announcements

Vivaldi Gloria: San Diego Festival Chorus (complete performance)

Station ID

Closing credits

Monday, December 29, 2014



Afghan war ends

Alpine high school – updates on law suit, Stieringer  supports unification

Snow forecast down to 2,000 feet

Michael Picker named to head CPUC

Mexico travel warning broadened

Station ID

Chargers calendar promotes adopting kids

Green Scene – venture capitalists protect public lands

Recycle holiday tree

Viejas winter alert/ECM public service announcements, station ID

Newsmaker: Kelly Fuller, Protect Our Communities, on bird death lawsuit, Tule Wind, Soitec and more

E-reader classes at libraries

Closing credits

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Snow report - storm blankets region

Chargers lose, end playoff hopes

Green Scene: Pope urges action on climate change

Taser death at border of El Cajon man

Parrot shooting in Lakeside

Air Asia crash – SD ship dispatched to scene

Station ID

Newsmakers interview: “Officer Santa”  ECPD officers

SDPOA Sampson Pac

Recycle your tree

Viejas winwter alerts PSA, ECM PSA, Station ID

Nile Sisters: Portraits of Success – coverage on location

Destination East County: festivals and events

Station ID

National News from Public News Service

Aguirre burned by court on intervenor fees for CPUC case

Bat rap

Turn off irrigation, County asks

Viejas Winter alerts

Foreclosures down

Auld Lang Syne – US Navy Band

Closing credits

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